Friday, 23 March 2012


Now that the equinox has passed, our days will be getting shorter and cooler. Living on the coast in NSW means we aren't exposed to the cold, harsh Winter many other parts of the world have to endure, but I'm still not a huge fan of Winter. I'd take a warm, sunny beach over a snow covered mountain any day! Out of fairness to the snow lovers, I'll be honest and admit, I've only ever been to the snow twice. Once on a school trip, where the teachers handed out garbage bags for us to slide on "to experience the snow" and the other time with friends. On this trip I actually had a pair of skis but they didn't get a lot of use as I literally took one step outside our cabin and fell flat on my behind! That pretty much set the trend for the remainder of that day, until I was so cold, wet and bruised that I retreated early to the nice bar with a blazing fire. Which brings me to this post (I know it was quite a digression to get here)....fireplaces.

I LOVE fireplaces. Of course they are fabulous sources of heat, come in various types, shapes & sizes and are more often than not a focal point in a room, but most importantly, they create atmosphere. Atmosphere is why you now see many fireplaces that actually emit very little heat, but are pleasing to look at.

If you have a new build home and feel that it lacks some of the features older homes have, try putting in a fireplace (even if it's an electric one). You'll be amazed at what it will do to bring some life to your home.

Contemporary fireplaces are normally mounted on a wall, up off the floor. They either have no surround or sleek, clean lines for their surround.

Traditional or classic fireplaces have a decorative surround and mantel. I currently have a contemporary fireplace but really prefer a more classic or traditional style.....I guess that will have to wait for our next house!

And then there are those that are anything but ordinary! These designs are by French company Arkiane.

Hopefully these fireplace images have helped all my southern hemisphere readers get into a warm, snug, wintery mood.


  1. I love the sleek, clean lines of the contemporary fireplaces, but would miss not having a mantle. That round fireplace is great, though I may get tired of it after a few years.

  2. I love Winter season, especially when my heater is right beside me.

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